Facebook video ads marketing video video advertisement how to
May 23, 2018

Facebook Video Ads – How to Create a Facebook Marketing Video That Sells

We all know that Facebook video ads are the way of the marketing future. By 2020, it’s estimated that 75% of mobile traffic will be video-based. Facebook will prove to be the key to video ads with its 1.45 billion daily users. Want to get in on the action? Here’s everything you need to know about creating a Facebook video ad that sells.


Why advertise on Facebook?

As we’ve mentioned, Facebook’s daily user count is astounding. Compared to Instagram’s 500 million daily users, Facebook is a hotspot for those looking to get into video ads. Users consume 100 million hours of video every day. Videos on Facebook have 135% more organic reach than their photo and text post counterparts. Put it all together and it’s clear that Facebook is the ultimate destination for video ads. But how do you create an ad that people are actually interested in?


Tip 1: Decide what the point of the video is.

Before you even so much as look at a camera or begin to brainstorm some killer creative, you need to decide the objective of your Facebook video ads. What goal do you want to accomplish? Whether it’s pushing traffic through to your website or simply increasing brand awareness, having a clear goal in mind makes moving forward effectively much easier.

In order to choose the best objective for your Facebook video ads, it’s important to acknowledge where your consumers are in the sales funnel. If consumers are still high up in the funnel, they won’t have any idea who your brand is or why they need your product. This would make a brand awareness objective the most sensible for your ad. If consumers would recognize your brand and be aware of your products, then a website conversion ad can work to push customers through to your site. It’s all about being aware of where your audience stands.


Tip 2: Narrow down your audience to your ideal consumer.

Nobody can please everybody, especially when it comes to advertising. Every consumer has a unique set of interests, worries, and hopes that determine how they search for and buy products. Trying to figure out how to simultaneously appeal to everyone is exhausting and ineffective. Instead, focus on creating an outstanding buyer persona and design your campaign to appeal to that one person.

Creating a complete buyer persona gives you heavily detailed insights into the psyche of your consumers. You get the opportunity to fully explore what drives their decision-making process, and in turn get to create amazing video content that fits that narrative. Without having a buyer persona in mind while developing your Facebook video ad, your content will come across uncoordinated and scattered.


Tip 3: Silence is golden (whether you like it or not.)

(Not so) fun fact: Nearly 85% of Facebook video views play without sound. If you were hoping to entice consumers with a killer soundtrack or a well-spoken voiceover, you might find yourself in a bit of a struggle. But fear not! Having to think of your video ad in silent mode gives you the chance to really flex your creative muscles.

Instead of leaning on music to sell your product, think of visual ways to intrigue your video viewers. Use bold, eye-catching text to immediately interest consumers (Just don’t break Facebook’s 20% text rule!) You can also utilize the psychological power of color to subliminally change how consumers view your brand. Sound isn’t the end-all-be-all to Facebook video ads, so don’t let silent mode scare you out of trying something new.

Facebook video ads marketing video video advertisement how to


Tip 4: Keep it short and sweet.

Let’s be brutally honest: people don’t visit Facebook to see advertisements. In fact, people don’t go on the Internet at all to see advertisements. Every ad introduced on their screen is, in essence, an annoying distraction they didn’t ask for. You’re interrupting their time, so make sure you say what you need to quickly. People are easily distracted, so capturing their attention in the first frame is essential.

According to Wistia, for every second your video plays, more and more viewers will drop off. So you need those first few seconds to be impactful. Decide what point it is you’re trying to make and really hit it home. Even if viewers don’t make it to the end of your video., you’ve still given a strong impression of your brand and its message to those who may not have heard of you otherwise.


Tip 5: Use Facebook’s audience customization tools.

The easiest way to get consumers to watch your video is to show your video to consumers who would get something out of watching it. Thanks to Facebook’s extensive customization options, this is easier than ever. Keep your buyer persona in mind as you select age, location, and interest customizations in the Facebook ad manager. If it wouldn’t appeal to your buyer persona, it’s probably best to leave it off.

That being said, don’t be afraid to A/B test different variables to find that sweet spot among your consumers. You’ll often be surprised by which groups of consumers latch on to your brand, so don’t hesitate to experiment with your audiences. Once you’ve got a solid amount of viewers, you can retarget to those users to really hone in on the reach of your ads.


Facebook video ads can be intimidating when you’re starting out. The key is to really know your audience and your brand. Follow our tips and you’ll see your marketing efforts go above and beyond. No idea on how to create the content for your video ad? We can help with that.

Would you like to learn more about how to use Facebook video ads, or about any other video topic? Reach out to IDR for additional information and answers to all your questions. You’ll discover why we’re Orange County’s premier producer of TV commercials, infomercials, and online videos for a wide range of businesses, organizations, and brands.


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