Profit with a Solid Online-DRTV Connection
Jan 04, 2016

Profit from a Solid Online-DRTV Connection

What is the most common course of action for people who respond to DRTV commercials? No, their fingers don’t fly to the nearest phone to place a call. According to industry statistics, more than 50% of these responders jump to the advertiser’s website. Their objective? Dive deeper for more product info.

Given the magnetic power of the online universe, it’s absolutely critical for marketers to build a solid bridge from DRTV commercial to brand website. In a world where ROI is becoming more and more elusive, this connection appears to be one of the more reliable routes to healthy profits.

Numerous marketers, of course, have been tackling ways to connect DRTV and brand websites. But far too many of these well-intentioned minds still consider each its own separate entity. DRTV, according to them, must be approached on its own terms; likewise for a brand website.

Unfortunately, this thinking instantly puts marketers on the wrong road. In order to establish a real bridge between DRTV and website, the two sides must be in sync, flawlessly complementing each other. Doing otherwise is throwing profits to the wind.

The Relative Strengths of DRTV and Websites

Each of the two channels, DRTV and website, has its own way of flexing major muscle. DRTV is the king of mass coverage, likely to reach far more prospects in a single effort than digital could ever hope for. Websites, on the other hand, are the masters of cost-efficiency. When seeking more bang for your buck, online is where you want to be.

When the two sides are looked at under the same microscope, their combined potential is striking. The figures are definite eye-openers — offline channels such as DRTV, radio, and direct mail drive 40% of all online sales. That’s quite a parade of customers beginning their purchase journey from somewhere offline. If your DRTV effort isn’t helping them on their way, somebody else’s likely will be. Which means you’re handing a free gift to the competition.


Profit with a Solid Online-DRTV Connection

3 Steps to Boosting your odds of DRTV and Online Success

1. Know the Search Routes

Online traffic generally follows a route determined by specific search terms. People are using these words and phrases to search for your brand category. This verbiage has the most meaning for them. It makes a good deal of sense, therefore, to know these highly influential phrases well in advance. Once identified, they skillfully can be incorporated with your DRTV content. Hearing the verbiage via DRTV commercial rings a mental bell that consumers easily relate and respond to. And they will use these terms to locate your brand online.

2. Don’t Count on Your URL

Yes, you’ve included a brand’s web address big and bright in your infomercial. Perhaps you’ve even repeated it beyond the call of duty. Nevertheless, the vast majority of viewers – some estimates reach 90% – either will not remember the URL or will enter it incorrectly when they seek you out. Thus, only small fraction of responders will ever reach the golden shores of your website.

Does that mean these consumers will never find you online? Absolutely not. But you must provide an alternate route. By far, the most reliable route is page one of an organic search. If people can’t find you via URL, a good, reliable search stands a good chance of getting them to your landing page … provided, as stated previously, your chosen search terms align with theirs. Remember, in the online universe, it’s all about visibility.

3. Match Experiences

If people are searching for you online, chances are real good that your DRTV experience tickled their fancy in a big way. Brands can expect good things from these viewers — traffic driven to websites by DRTV converts at a very high rate. It’s important to remember, however, that these website visitors are much more likely to convert if online experience matches DRTV experience. It only makes sense. Something about your DRTV commercial sold them. You therefore must capture and communicate that something through your website. Consistency of messaging and style are essential to create the necessary bridge between the two media.

Would you like to learn more about integrating DRTV and brand websites, or about any other DRTV topic? Reach out to IDR for additional information and answers to all your questions. You’ll discover why we’re Orange County’s premier producer of TV commercials, infomercials, and online videos for every kind of business and brand.


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