Author: idrproductions

Shooting On Target with IDR Productions

Shooting On Target: A Glimpse into Video Production

A behind-the-scenes look at a shoot at a shooting range. As a video production company, there’s a lot that goes on “behind the scenes” when creating the final product you see on screen. In production, especially pre-production, every day brings something new to it. Production is a never ending-adventure that occasionally throws a curveball your […]

7 Tips For Adding Video to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

7 Tips For Adding Video to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

With all the benefits of utilizing digital video content, it’s no wonder brands are turning to it more and more to attract their customers. Video keeps consumers around longer, and it increases CTR by 65%. Video is also a low-barrier program, meaning companies big and small can pick it up without a problem. For a […]

IDR Productions - 4K Video Resolution

4K Video Resolution: The Newest Video Trend You Need to Know About.

4K video resolution is quickly taking over the video production world. While it’s still in it’s infancy stages, it has been predicted that by 2025, over 50% of U.S. homes will have a 4K-capable TV. But what’s all the fuss about? What’s the deal with 4K resolution? Is it worth the costs? What are those costs? […]

7 Tips for Marketing On a Small Budget

7 Tips for Marketing On a Small Budget

Being the little guy can be tough, particularly in the marketing game. Without a giant startup budget, it can feel almost impossible to get your name out there, especially when you’re comparing yourself to the big players in the industry. Little cash can still have a big marketing impact; you’ll just have to think a […]

4 Best Types of Video to Launch Your Product--IDR Productions

4 Best Types of Videos to Launch Your Product

It takes a painstakingly long time to perfect your product or service. Once you’ve got it down, you couldn’t be more excited to get it out to the market and your consumers. But when you’re marketing your latest launch, how can you excite consumers into action? The answer is a series of online videos each […]

6 Video Tips We Can Learn From Infomercials

6 Video Tips We Can Learn From Infomericals

Infomercials are far from the outdated hard sell that many have made it out to be. They may not hold the glamorous appeal short-form videos do, but here’s the thing: infomercials work. They bring in millions of dollars a year, even though they’re primarily aired in the middle of the night. How is this possible? […]

Are You Repurposing Your Videos?

Video Marketing: Are You Repurposing Your Videos?

Video marketing may be one of the most underestimated tools in the industry. Most would assume that once a video has served its primary purpose, it then becomes unusable. These people are wrong. Video can quickly become one of your best marketing tactics once you learn the art of repurposing. Repurposing is reusing the video […]

DRTVs House of Fulfillment

DRTV Fulfillment: One Serious Link in the DRTV Chain

DRTV’s House of Fulfillment You’ve done the legwork, you’ve unleashed your DRTV campaign, and it’s hit a soaring home run with all those well-targeted viewers. So how will you convert that bonanza of popularity into a healthy ROI? Somehow, some way, you’ll need a direct connection to your loving audience. A two-way street flowing with […]

Can You Predict DRTV Success?

Can You Predict DRTV Success?

How do you reduce the risk of uncertainty when rolling out a DRTV campaign? Many, if not most, marketers rely on some sort of forecasting methodology, one of the most prominent being DRTV testing. Getting a preview of audience response, according to a common belief, provides marketers with a fairly accurate way to judge the […]

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