Leverage the New DRTV Hot Zones
Sep 21, 2015

Leverage the New DRTV Hot Zones

When you think of DRTV, it’s usually long-form infomercials or lightning-fast TV spots, right? Maybe back in the 20th century. Thanks to the proliferation of fan-based websites, DRTV is now a major digital force. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and all the rest are the new hot zones for direct response videos.

Digital has broadened the horizons of DRTV in a big way. Infomercials and brisk commercial spots are still a part of the scene, of course. But there’s so much more in the offing. Here are just some of the possibilities available to video marketers. Use them all if you can.

  • Infomercials – Had to mention these. For good reason – legions of viewers rely on these showcases to learn about brands.
  • Commercial Spots – Ditto.
  • Testimonial Videos – Delighted customers spreading the good word about your brand … What could be better? Marketers have two good ways to go — shoot entirely new testimonials or pull some excerpts from your long-form and cobble together an exciting ‘best of’.
  • First Experience – Many a viewer can be won over while watching an actual customer unpack and use a product for the very first time. There’s a ring of reality to it that’s hard to beat. Viewers readily identify with this true-life experience.
  • How To – Similar to first-experience videos, these show users how delightfully easy it is to use or operate a product. “It’s not as difficult as you thought” is the underlying message.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Peek – Reveals how your DRTV production was created from scratch, complete with drama, comedy, suspense, action, and yes even a scandal or two if you’re so inclined. Not only are these irresistibly intriguing; they double the exposure of your original production.

Naturally, you’ll want to conclude any of these with a customary call to action – buy, click, learn more, etc. Remember, your ultimate aim is results.

If you have questions or thoughts about digital DRTV, please leave us your comments.

And for the best in Orange County video production, be sure to reach out to IDR. From DRTV campaigns to online videos, our services will build your brand across a variety of channels. Contact IDR for a free consultation.


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