kelly burke

6 Video Tips We Can Learn From Infomercials

6 Video Tips We Can Learn From Infomericals

Infomercials are far from the outdated hard sell that many have made it out to be. They may not hold the glamorous appeal short-form videos do, but here’s the thing: infomercials work. They bring in millions of dollars a year, even though they’re primarily aired in the middle of the night. How is this possible? […]

DRTV Optimized
by kburke 13/06/2016 0 comm

DRTV Optimized

What do people usually do after they’ve viewed a DRTV commercial? (a) Buy vast quantities of the advertised product or service. (b) Rush to the fridge to load up on snacks. OR (c) Seek more information. Most advertisers hope the answer is (a) Buy vast quantities of the advertised product or service. But the correct […]

Are You Repurposing Your Videos?

Video Marketing: Are You Repurposing Your Videos?

Video marketing may be one of the most underestimated tools in the industry. Most would assume that once a video has served its primary purpose, it then becomes unusable. These people are wrong. Video can quickly become one of your best marketing tactics once you learn the art of repurposing. Repurposing is reusing the video […]

Why YouTube Must Be In Your Marketing Plan
by kburke 07/03/2016 0 comm

Why YouTube Must Be in Your Marketing Plan

If only you had a magic lamp that allowed you the three wishes of video marketers: Greater engagement An expanded reach Increased video views Well, you may lack the lamp, but you can still release the genie and get what you’re after. The key is YouTube. There’s no question that YouTube belongs in your video […]

Sequential Video Marketing
by kburke 01/02/2016 0 comm

Sequential Video Marketing

Optimize Engagement with Sequential Video Marketing Marketers seeking long-term relationships with any customer sector can benefit tremendously from sequential video marketing. As the name implies, sequential video marketing is a strategy that delivers a continuous message or story through a series of static ads or videos. Ad content is delivered one at a time during […]

Should You Hire a Professional Video Production Company?
by kburke 25/01/2016 0 comm

Should You Hire a Professional Video Production Company?

Video marketing has busted loose from the confines of TV and is proliferating across a multitude of online channels. For brands and businesses already on board with the medium, video has proven an unstoppable tool for expanding reach, engaging viewers, increasing leads, and ultimately boosting sales. For those who are new to video marketing campaigns […]

Facebook Mobile Video Content Marketing: You in?
by kburke 18/01/2016 0 comm

Facebook Mobile Video Content Marketing: You in?

Blink and you’ll miss something important! That’s how fast changes are sweeping through the rapidly-evolving world of video content marketing. From conventional broadcast commercials to direct response advertising, video marketing campaigns are proliferating. Hot to capitalize on opportunity, brands are jumping onto the video bandwagon in a big way. Large and small, companies are grabbing […]

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