
Inside the Millennial Mind: How to Advertise to The Generation That Can’t Stand Ads

Inside the Millennial Mind: How to Advertise to The Generation That Can’t Stand Ads

Millennials can be a tough group to market to. Traditional advertising is rendered all but completely ineffective on them, and sometimes it feels if advertising on social media isn’t working either. What’s a marketer to do? We’ve got the insight into the Millennial mind that will help you crack the young market.   Why do […]

5 Tips for a Successful Audience-centric Video

5 Tips for a Successful Audience-centric Video

When you’re producing a video, coming up with the big ideas for it can be one of the most exciting parts of the production process. It’s easy to get carried away with these ideas and forget the most important part of the video: your audience. Audience-centric videos are the videos that do the best. Wondering how […]

Video Rocks B2B
by kburke 28/09/2015 0 comm

Video Rocks B2B

Video is for product-conscious consumers not serious businesses. This is the prevailing belief among far too many marketers. But this Orange County video production company has a whole different take on the matter. From what we can see in the marketing universe, B2B buyers are ready, willing, and able consumers of video. Still have your […]

Feed the Millennial Video Habit

Feed the Millennial Video Habit

Is your brand targeting Millennials with video productions? Then by all means know this: Millennials absolutely love their online videos. Seems like they view them for every reason under the sun, one of the big ones being comparison shopping. Yes, online video is what this youthful sector relies on to decide what car to drive, […]

Google Gives Online Video a Big Thumbs Up!
by kburke 06/05/2015 0 comm

Google Gives Online Video a Big Thumbs Up!

As a cutting-edge video production company in Orange County, IDR stays alert for important news concerning the world of website video production and social media video production. We definitely found something to chew on with Google’s latest findings about online video. As the Big G sees it, online video is no longer an option for […]

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