Advertisers Racing to DRTV
Aug 18, 2015

Advertisers Racing to DRTV

Once upon a time, DRTV stood for novelty product promotions. Its hunting grounds were thousands of late night living rooms where sleepless eyes glued themselves to the tube. All that is now ancient history. Oh sure, DRTV still makes its way to the legions of late-nighters. But its role has expanded well beyond after-midnight territory. The influx of new DRTV advertisers is proof of that.

So why the surge of newcomers? Money, money, and money. The soaring price tag of traditional commercials is driving marketers to greener pastures. Now combine these monster prices with a shrinking audience, and the alarms go off in every corner of the marketing world. With their relatively low costs, DRTV is a safe haven for worried advertisers. It stretches their market reach without stretching their budgets to the breaking point.

One Change Brings Another

DRTV’s expanding role demanded a fresh, new look at the medium. DRTV advertising tracker IMS Report provided that look. The tracking organization has given the world a brand new definition of DRTV. The term now covers any spot with a call to immediate action, even if it’s just a request for more info.

Many DRTV marketers are hedging their bets by going beyond direct selling. And where they’re going is straight into stores. Look around, and you’ll see more and more DRTV pushing brands into retail outlets. Best for this purpose are short spots with quick message delivery. Long-form, on the other hand, remains a powerhouse when it comes to building brand awareness.

If you have questions or thoughts about DRTV, please leave us your comments.

And for the best in Orange County video production, be sure to reach out to IDR. From DRTV campaigns to online videos, our services will build your brand across a variety of channels. Contact IDR for a free consultation.


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