
Color Psychology: How to Use Color in Marketing

Color Psychology: How to Use Color in Marketing

There’s more to using color in marketing than considering your favorite hue on the ROYGBIV spectrum. As it turns out, color psychology determines everything from what color your logo should be to what hues you use in your next advertisement. Here’s everything you need to know about the science and art of using color in […]

Creating your brand voice may be the most important step you make in marketing your product. The voice to choose to represent your brand will affect everything from what you say to how you say it, not to mention who you’re saying it to. But how do you determine your brand voice? Or use it? And what exactly is it?

How to Build an Authentic Brand Voice (And What to Do With It)

  Creating your brand voice may be the most important step you make in marketing your product. The voice you choose to represent your brand will affect everything from what you say to how you say it, not to mention who you’re saying it to. But how do you determine your brand voice? Or use […]

5 Tips for a Successful Audience-centric Video

5 Tips for a Successful Audience-centric Video

When you’re producing a video, coming up with the big ideas for it can be one of the most exciting parts of the production process. It’s easy to get carried away with these ideas and forget the most important part of the video: your audience. Audience-centric videos are the videos that do the best. Wondering how […]

7 Tips for Marketing On a Small Budget

7 Tips for Marketing On a Small Budget

Being the little guy can be tough, particularly in the marketing game. Without a giant startup budget, it can feel almost impossible to get your name out there, especially when you’re comparing yourself to the big players in the industry. Little cash can still have a big marketing impact; you’ll just have to think a […]

Why YouTube Must Be In Your Marketing Plan
by kburke 07/03/2016 0 comm

Why YouTube Must Be in Your Marketing Plan

If only you had a magic lamp that allowed you the three wishes of video marketers: Greater engagement An expanded reach Increased video views Well, you may lack the lamp, but you can still release the genie and get what you’re after. The key is YouTube. There’s no question that YouTube belongs in your video […]

Sit n’ Shop with YouTube
by kburke 22/10/2015 0 comm

Sit n’ Shop with YouTube

Step aside, QVC and all the rest. There’s a new and better way to sit n’ shop. And it all looks extremely promising to this Orange County Video production company. The new shopping resource is none other than YouTube. That’s right. The video mainstay has made video much more shoppable with an innovation called Shopping […]

The Bridge to Video Enlightenment
by kburke 16/10/2015 0 comm

The Bridge to Video Enlightenment

Deep, deep in our Orange County video production company, people with too much time on their hands are conducting market research. Our most recent research has confirmed something the world is well aware of – video is red hot and getting hotter. It also revealed a few surprises that the world may not be aware […]

Video Rocks B2B
by kburke 28/09/2015 0 comm

Video Rocks B2B

Video is for product-conscious consumers not serious businesses. This is the prevailing belief among far too many marketers. But this Orange County video production company has a whole different take on the matter. From what we can see in the marketing universe, B2B buyers are ready, willing, and able consumers of video. Still have your […]

What Every Brand Should Know About DRTV Lead Generation Campaigns

What Every Brand Should Know About DRTV Lead Generation Campaigns

You’ve unleashed a DRTV lead generation campaign. The call centers and landing pages are ready. Reps are hunkered down for a major traffic flow. But how will you really know if you hit the mark? First, let’s backtrack. The first thing lead-seeking brands must do is accept a few new realities. The biggest of these […]

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