Don't Leave LinkedIn Out
Sep 01, 2015

Don’t Leave LinkedIn Out

Video production in Orange County has come a long way. And one reason is the proliferation of online videos. YouTube, Facebook, and all the rest are great at pulling in audiences. So why are you leaving LinkedIn out of the equation? Many video production companies do. For some reason, marketers see LinkedIn as a different animal, a place for professionals to hobnob with others of their ilk. Exactly. What better place to make a widespread connection with B2B video content?

OK, OK, LinkedIn doesn’t pack ‘em in like YouTube. But in this case, it’s quality not quantity. With LinkedIn, you’ve got a real good chance of hitting high-level decision makers with your content. You know, the people who give marketing strategies the thumbs up or thumbs down. The people who need what you have to offer. LinkedIn puts you front and center with a targeted business audience like nothing else can.

Don’t worry about compatibility. LinkedIn works with everything under the sun. YouTube, Vimeo, Brightcove … all of the hottest video platforms. Once on display, videos can be shared with the greatest of ease.

If you’re going the LinkedIn route, you’ll want to connect with the right community. There are thousands and thousands of them, so some narrowing-down is in order. Find your target groups, then the let the videos fly.

Entering a discussion is a great way to connect with a chosen group. To get your foot in the door, simply drop a relevant video or two into a discussion. Congrats! You’re now part of the action. Of course, you don’t have to wait. Your video can be a discussion-starter. Just insert the appropriate video link into a new discussion field, and you’re an instant thought leader!

If you have questions or thoughts about LinkedIn video productions, please leave us your comments.

And for the best in Orange County video production, be sure to reach out to IDR. From DRTV campaigns to online videos, our services will build your brand across a variety of channels. Contact IDR for a free consultation.


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