Ride the Facebook Carousel
Oct 19, 2015

Ride the Facebook Carousel

As an Orange County video production company, IDR keeps its eyes on Facebook at all times. We’ve got to. As most of you know (unless you’ve been on the moon), Facebook is now one of the world’s hot spots for online videos. No, it won’t be knocking YouTube off the map any time soon. Nevertheless, the social powerhouse is expanding its video possibilities by the minute. Case in point is Facebook’s video carousel feature.

Carousels have been part of the Facebook lineup for a while now. Basically, this feature enables users to display anywhere from 3-5 images, headlines, links, or other information in one ad unit or box. Video carousels do essentially the same for vids. Instead of the usual single video ad, carousels offers multiple ads in one handy viewing area.

Video carousels enable marketers to integrate or serialize a set of videos into one overall package. For instance, a series of video ads might tell a brand story with different ‘chapters’. To boost engagement power, marketers can incorporate common entertainment elements such as cliffhangers and ongoing characters.

Along with improved brand storytelling, video carousels allow for more in-depth product exposure in a single sitting. They also provide an opportunity to display a diversity of messaging. A fashion retailer, for example, might use a carousel to showcase regional and local spots in one, convenient video session.

Target Rating Point (TRP) buying is another new Facebook feature with marketer appeal. Long used in commercial TV, TRP enables brands to purchase Facebook video ads in a format similar to that of television. A recent sample campaign underscored the power of TRP. Combined with conventional TV, the TRP Facebook campaign generated a 19% increase in targeted reach – and that was just on TV!

If you have questions or thoughts about Facebook video marketing, please leave us your comments.

And for the best in Orange County video production, be sure to reach out to IDR. From DRTV campaigns to online videos, our services will build your brand across a variety of channels. Contact IDR for a free consultation.


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