DRTV Gets Cozy with Social Media
Jun 17, 2015

DRTV Gets Cozy with Social Media

Are you relying on a single DRTV channel to do your brand shouting? Better be packing plenty of patience. Because results likely will be crawling in … if they make it to your camp at all.

No surprise there. Today’s consumer is plugged into one big mass of multi-screen madness – TV, smartphone, tablet, laptop, and who knows what else. They devour it night and day, from one end of the globe to the other. And every single drop from this info-river washes over their decision-making process. One channel just isn’t enough to make a deep impression these days. Which explains why DRTV and social media are getting real cozy these days.

Why is DRTV and social media such a perfect pair?

Video is hot. Social media is hot. Throw ‘em together, and you’ve got one heck of a powerful combination. Basically, DRTV for broadcast television and DRTV with social media amplify your message, raising brand perception to glorious new levels.

More importantly, however, this video blend boosts the purchase appetite of consumers. Results from recent research back up the value of pairing digital video content with traditional TV advertising. As reported by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Thinkbox, which focuses on commercial TV in the UK, the combination of TV and online advertising raises purchase intent by a robust 50%. Clearly, DRTV for social media has a starring role to play in today’s marketing environment.

If you have questions or thoughts about DRTV videos for social media, please leave a comment for our team.

And be sure to reach out to IDR for the latest in video marketing. We’ll help you generate high-quality leads with DRTV, reach online shoppers via DRTV and social media, and build your brand with traditional video productions. Contact IDR for a free consultation.


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