mobile video production

The Future of Online Video
by kburke 10/05/2016 0 comm

The Future of Online Video

If we had a time machine, our team could jump forward and glimpse what the future holds for online video production. Well, IDR Productions has resources galore at its disposal, but a time-hopping machine isn’t one of them. Nevertheless, we do have experience, expertise, vision, and plenty of facts on which to build sound predictions […]

Social Media, Programmatic TV and Mobile by Peter Koeppel

We asked our friend Peter Koeppel, Founder/President of Koeppel Direct, a full-service direct response marketing agency, to share his insights on the integration of social media, programmatic TV, mobile and the direct response industry.  Here are his comments in their entirety. Social Media Nielsen research has suggested that 8 out of 10 U.S. TV viewers use their […]

Feed the Millennial Video Habit

Feed the Millennial Video Habit

Is your brand targeting Millennials with video productions? Then by all means know this: Millennials absolutely love their online videos. Seems like they view them for every reason under the sun, one of the big ones being comparison shopping. Yes, online video is what this youthful sector relies on to decide what car to drive, […]

Create, Grab n’ Hold Online Videos
by kburke 04/06/2015 0 comm

Create, Grab n’ Hold Online Videos

You don’t become a leading Orange County online video production company without knowing the difference between TV and online video ads. You don’t think there’s a difference? Try showing a conventional TV commercial online and see what happens. Chances are real good it’ll shrivel. Money down the drain. Endless frustration. Bye-bye budget. Like it or […]

A Little Video With Your Tunes?
by kburke 28/05/2015 0 comm

A Little Video With Your Tunes?

Nowadays, you can’t click, swipe, or touch without seeing an online video. As a leading online video production company in Orange County, we’ve seen this trend surge to the sky, particularly in the last year. And now, apparently, Spotify will be fueling the surge. That’s right. Word’s out that the music hot spot plans to […]

Why Marketers Must Be Ready for the Small Screen
by kburke 13/05/2015 0 comm

Why Marketers Must Be Ready for the Small Screen

As a leading video production company in Orange County, IDR stays in tune with the wave of trends lighting up the marketplace. And when it comes to website videos and social media videos, the hottest, most relevant trend is the skyrocketing popularity of mobile. No question about it. If your business isn’t brewing up videos […]

Google Gives Online Video a Big Thumbs Up!
by kburke 06/05/2015 0 comm

Google Gives Online Video a Big Thumbs Up!

As a cutting-edge video production company in Orange County, IDR stays alert for important news concerning the world of website video production and social media video production. We definitely found something to chew on with Google’s latest findings about online video. As the Big G sees it, online video is no longer an option for […]

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