Author: kburke

No Maybe Baby in DRTV
by kburke 30/09/2015 0 comm

No Maybe Baby in DRTV

Will your meticulously-crafted DRTV production rock audiences to the core? Shake them up and get them to click or call? If your answer is maybe, baby, you’re playing a guessing game that could, and likely will, cost you plenty. If needles spending gives you the shivers, consider shifting the odds a bit more in your […]

Video Rocks B2B
by kburke 28/09/2015 0 comm

Video Rocks B2B

Video is for product-conscious consumers not serious businesses. This is the prevailing belief among far too many marketers. But this Orange County video production company has a whole different take on the matter. From what we can see in the marketing universe, B2B buyers are ready, willing, and able consumers of video. Still have your […]

Engagement, Anyone?
by kburke 16/09/2015 0 comm

Engagement, Anyone?

Engagement, engagement, engagement … the words ring out constantly throughout every video production company in Orange County … and beyond. You’ve got to engage the customer. Engage or be sorry. It’s the age of engage. OK, we’re saturated. It’s time for a little understanding. In a nutshell (or eggshell, depending on your nutritional preferences), engagement […]

Facebook Strikes Back
by kburke 04/09/2015 0 comm

Facebook Strikes Back

By now, every video production company in Orange County knows the tremendous value of online videos. Facebook certainly does. Which is why the social behemoth is striking back against YouTube, Twitter, and Yahoo. Hard. The strike-back is fueled by modifications that will make Facebook more competitive with YouTube and the others. The first change centers […]

Google Prowls the Video Fringes
by kburke 03/09/2015 0 comm

Google Prowls the Video Fringes

For those of us engaged in Orange County video production, Google and other search engines could be opening up new doors of opportunity. Right now, Google is testing promoted video ads in its searches. Strong results likely will steer plenty of marketing dollars toward these online videos. It’s hard to say exactly where all this […]

DRTV Offers Done Right
by kburke 02/09/2015 0 comm

DRTV Offers Done Right

Without a compelling offer, your DRTV production would stall in the starting gate. Despite the importance of offers, however, they’re often misunderstood. So what exactly is a DRTV offer, and why is it so important? Most people would say that DRTV offers are sales boosters. And they’d be half-right. More precisely, an offer is designed […]

Video Service Guide for the Terribly Confused
by kburke 01/09/2015 0 comm

Video Service Guide for the Terribly Confused

Used to be, marketing videos were a simple matter. You looked at a few choices, you made your selection, and bingo – you were off to the races. All that is now ancient history. As the popularity of video marketing soared, the choices proliferated. Marketers now face a blizzard of possibilities, leaving many a well-meaning […]

Don't Leave LinkedIn Out
by kburke 01/09/2015 0 comm

Don’t Leave LinkedIn Out

Video production in Orange County has come a long way. And one reason is the proliferation of online videos. YouTube, Facebook, and all the rest are great at pulling in audiences. So why are you leaving LinkedIn out of the equation? Many video production companies do. For some reason, marketers see LinkedIn as a different […]

Why Video Production is a Laughing Matter
by kburke 28/08/2015 0 comm

Why Video Production is a Laughing Matter

If you’re creating DRTV or other types of videos, it never hurts to tickle some funny bones. In fact, laugher probably will help your cause tremendously. Chuckling viewers are engaged viewers. And that brings them closer to your brand. So what does it take to pry loose some giggles and guffaws from DRTV viewers? Any […]

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