Commercial production

7 Tips for Marketing On a Small Budget

7 Tips for Marketing On a Small Budget

Being the little guy can be tough, particularly in the marketing game. Without a giant startup budget, it can feel almost impossible to get your name out there, especially when you’re comparing yourself to the big players in the industry. Little cash can still have a big marketing impact; you’ll just have to think a […]

4 Best Types of Video to Launch Your Product--IDR Productions

4 Best Types of Videos to Launch Your Product

It takes a painstakingly long time to perfect your product or service. Once you’ve got it down, you couldn’t be more excited to get it out to the market and your consumers. But when you’re marketing your latest launch, how can you excite consumers into action? The answer is a series of online videos each […]

6 Video Tips We Can Learn From Infomercials

6 Video Tips We Can Learn From Infomericals

Infomercials are far from the outdated hard sell that many have made it out to be. They may not hold the glamorous appeal short-form videos do, but here’s the thing: infomercials work. They bring in millions of dollars a year, even though they’re primarily aired in the middle of the night. How is this possible? […]

humor gets people to like you
by kburke 02/11/2015 0 comm

From Chuckles to Ka-Ching!

Orange County video production is a laughing matter. At least, it should be. Through the ages, humor has been a formidable selling tool. Merchants, orators, politicians, educators, and countless others have won people over with well-placed comic touches. It’s all about comedy’s entertainment value, right? That’s what hooks viewers. True up to a point. But […]

The DRTV Edge
by kburke 02/11/2015 0 comm

The DRTV Edge

As with everything else, DRTV is changing with the times. What isn’t changing, however, is the edge it can give your brand. Here are three ways this long-established medium currently provides that edge. New Customers In sheer numbers, the mega-massive TV audience dwarfs the much-smaller digital. DRTV, therefore, casts very wide net. This massive reach […]

Video By the Bundle
by kburke 28/10/2015 0 comm

Video By the Bundle

It’s hard to ignore the blazing progress of programmatic video. Which is why this Orange County video production company keeps it firmly on the company radar. If you’re bewildered by the whole programmatic thing, you’re in good company. So allow us to pull you out of the fog: Programmatic video is a strategy built on […]

Three Flavors of DRTV Pudding

Three Flavors of DRTV Pudding

‘The proof is in the pudding’… This well-worn saying definitely has its place in the world of DRTV. Claims and boasts are all part of the game, of course. But you’ve got to back up the bluster with rock-solid proof. Otherwise, credibility plummets. While various types of proof can have an impact on DRTV audiences, […]

Theater of the Tweet
by kburke 23/10/2015 0 comm

Theater of the Tweet

These days, it’s nearly impossible to find an Orange County video production company that isn’t tuned into social media. IDR certainly is. And we’ve just discovered some interesting goings-on in the world of Twitter videos. According to research conducted by Ace Metrix, the most effective Twitter vids have a solid entertainment component. The least successful […]

Ride the Facebook Carousel
by kburke 19/10/2015 0 comm

Ride the Facebook Carousel

As an Orange County video production company, IDR keeps its eyes on Facebook at all times. We’ve got to. As most of you know (unless you’ve been on the moon), Facebook is now one of the world’s hot spots for online videos. No, it won’t be knocking YouTube off the map any time soon. Nevertheless, […]

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