brand building

Is Your DRTV Big on Value?

Is Your DRTV Big on Value?

In the world of DRTV, one thing has been etched in stone ever since the first merchant danced into the local marketplace – shoppers must see tremendous value in your goods and services. Or the cash register just won’t ring. Period. Bottom line is this – gains must go to the buyer and seller. So […]

Why Video Production is a Laughing Matter
by kburke 28/08/2015 0 comm

Why Video Production is a Laughing Matter

If you’re creating DRTV or other types of videos, it never hurts to tickle some funny bones. In fact, laugher probably will help your cause tremendously. Chuckling viewers are engaged viewers. And that brings them closer to your brand. So what does it take to pry loose some giggles and guffaws from DRTV viewers? Any […]

Video Lightning Can Strike Twice

Video Lightning Can Strike Twice

If you can make one viral video, you can make a second, right? Just slap another on YouTube, and you’re off to the races. Not quite. As an Orange County video production company, we know viral videos require careful planning. Content, vision, daring, timing, creativity, and yes, luck all go into the mix. Double that […]

Get a Brand Boost Now!

Get a Brand Boost Now!

DRTV integrated with social media delivers a major brand boost. Now, you want to give your brand an even bigger boost? Just drop some video into your Twitter site. It’s powerful stuff. Right now, Twitter is where your brand video needs to be. Unlike other platforms, Twitter gives users plenty of things to do with […]

3 Attention Stretchers Every Brand Needs

3 Attention Stretchers Every Brand Needs

Are you creating video productions for the web? Then you’ll no doubt want to stretch the attention span of your audience. Here are some tips that will help keep viewers glued. #1: Serve Them a Feast. If one video is good, more are better. That’s the thinking in most marketing circles. So don’t rely on […]

Create, Grab n’ Hold Online Videos
by kburke 04/06/2015 0 comm

Create, Grab n’ Hold Online Videos

You don’t become a leading Orange County online video production company without knowing the difference between TV and online video ads. You don’t think there’s a difference? Try showing a conventional TV commercial online and see what happens. Chances are real good it’ll shrivel. Money down the drain. Endless frustration. Bye-bye budget. Like it or […]

TV Commercials Cross the Entertainment Line
by kburke 02/06/2015 0 comm

TV Commercials Cross the Entertainment Line

Once upon a time in TV Land … the Hollywood-esque TV commercial was forbidden. These fearsome monsters could devour budgets in a single gulp. Then came the winds of change, which have blown across the industry and through the offices of our Orange County video production facility. Now there’s a whole new attitude toward the […]

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