Video Lightning Can Strike Twice
Aug 28, 2015

Video Lightning Can Strike Twice

If you can make one viral video, you can make a second, right? Just slap another on YouTube, and you’re off to the races. Not quite. As an Orange County video production company, we know viral videos require careful planning. Content, vision, daring, timing, creativity, and yes, luck all go into the mix. Double that when you’re going for a follow-up smash.

Brands have a natural appetite for back-to-back video hits. Who wouldn’t? So when lightning strikes, the marketing squads immediately begin seeding more clouds. Usually they’ll vary the content a bit in the follow-up. Or loosen the ol’ purse strings and dump heaps of cash into the sequel. Possibly go even more outrageous. All good stuff. But it probably won’t work. Not without something more.

The reality is, video lightning rarely strikes twice. In fact, follow-ups generally stall in the starting gate. It’s a case of been there, done that. You’re giving people a sequel they’ve already seen. The thrill is gone, baby.

This doesn’t rule out exceptions. Those are always a possibility. Case in point is the ‘Will It Blend’ series from Blendec Blenders. This viral marketing campaign features a set of infomercials in which some odd object or substance is dropped into a blender. Audiences stick around to see if ‘it will blend.’ Sometimes yes, sometimes, ugh!

What keeps viewers coming back for more is the curiosity factor: every commercial features a new ‘ingredient’. So there’s always a sense of anticipation, like waiting for the next chapter in a mystery thriller. Yes, lightning can strike twice for brands that build this kind of anticipation.

If you have questions or thoughts about creating viral videos, please leave us your comments.

And for the best in Orange County video production, be sure to reach out to IDR. From DRTV campaigns to online videos, our services will build your brand across a variety of channels. Contact IDR for a free consultation.


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